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User Interface Markup Language

UIML or User Interface Markup Language is a kind of descriptive language that can be used for creating a web page. Such a web page can be sent to a PC, smartphone, or any other web browsing device having any kind of interface.

UIML provides the unique advantage of the ability to create web content that is compatible with all types of devices, existing and ones that will be developed in the future using newer interface technologies. Markup language which is also known as tags in IT world is used by the developer to create content for all kinds of interface elements. The programmer then takes over to create applications that use the UIML page for generating a page that is suitable to all types of devices that are used and to which the content is required to be sent.

UIML can also be used for describing possible user input events and the actions resulting from such events.

CloudOYE is a leading UIML or User Interface Markup Language offering solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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