Many web hosting organizations have confessed that creating a Hybrid Cloud on non-heterogeneous environment is difficult. A heterogeneous environment has dissimilar elements and components which create difficulties for the hosting providers to connect with similar cloud components. Sources suggest that popular cloud hosting providers are still struggling to create and offer Hybrid Cloud to their clients on relatively complex workflows. As a result the hosting providers face difficulties to provide solutions like disaster recovery, secured data storage and more to their clients.
Recently some reports have been generated by a reputed hosting organization say that a cloud administrator (With Proper Knowledge of Cloud Technology) has the ability to leverage a Vblock, the component. A Vblock has a RecoverPoint application that can compose all kinds of defined moving parts to configure the data replication to another Vblock. According to cloud administrators, it is not an easy task and it is important to connect with all major components for different cloud solutions. Leading web hosting providers with vast experience on cloud can only initiate this migration process successfully.
So, most cloud hosting providers have started assisting cloud administrators for successful migration of replicated process to another Vblock. The best part is that the leading cloud providing organizations are providing end to end support to the cloud administrators. They are key people to support and offer ultimate support to cloud administrators if they found any kind of issue in the configuration for the workflows requirement.
Assembling cloud with various environments can create complex situations and it requires number of compilations for cloud integration. The hybrid cloud integration completely depends upon the environment and on the adapted technologies.
Finally we can conclude saying that hybrid cloud is not as simple as purchasing any other pre-engineered solution. It is important that a cloud administrator should plug them with public cloud hosting provider for fruitful results.