To be, or not to be..." is one of the most famous phrase of William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. In the speech, the despondent Prince Hamlet contemplates death and suicide while waiting for Ophelia, the love of his life. Likewise, to do or not to do—is one of the question, or dilemma you could say, about whether to opt for colocation server hosting or not.  Data is lifeblood of any modern organization. Their loss could in worst case scenario could force an organization to prematurely down its shutters. 

The decision therefore to entrust a third party  with the safety and security of your mission critical applications cannot be termed easy by any stretch of imagination. You have to properly assess your own IT infrastructure and how much you need to pay for cabinets, ranks, power, security and bandwidth among other services. Also, there is the issue of inflation and you can expect that the hosting cost is likely to rise with time.  Moreover, organizations have to ensure that their choice turns out to be the right one and the service provider they hire has the requisite expertise and infrastructure to take proper care of their servers and other networking equipment. Any disruption in business continuity can cost an organization dear and as such a service provider should be chosen who can guarantee utmost reliability, security and highly redundant network and infrastructure. Adaptive virtualization and the ability to scale with an organization’s growing IT needs should also be given paramount importance.

You type’ colocation server hosting firm’ or any other similar term in search box of Google or any other popular search engine and within fraction of a second you will see names of dozens of service providers each claiming to be better than the best. You are promised the sky and the moon but you know well that all cannot be as good as they claim to be. The task then is to sift through the clamour and sky high claims to find a service provider that can deliver on its promise. This is important as finding the right service provider who can provide service that is in sync with your IT requirements, and is also abreast with latest trends and happenings in the world of colocation and data centres, can play a vital role in helping you derive the maximum benefit from IT operations.

Keeping this important factor in mind, we shall discuss below few of the important factors which you should pay close attention to choose the right service provider.

Sound global and local footprint

You should look for a service provider which has a strong presence both inside the country and abroad and caters to both local and global organizations operating across various industry spectrum.  Having a strong local as well as global foot print is good since it gives you the capability to quickly expand into international markets. A strong local presence is also important to take good care of your networking equipment and server within your country of residence.

Proximity to your organization

The closer the data centre is near to your organization the better it is for your business. Your IT team can quickly reach the location to fix any server errors thus enabling you to get quickly back on your feet. This assumes added significance for high traffic websites that need quick loading. For example, a popular e-commerce website, which receives lacs of hits on daily basis can ill-afford prolonged downtime as it can lead to huge loss in sales. Moreover they can easily frequently travel to the data centre for server and other hardware inspection. Choosing therefore a data centre closer to your organization’s location leads to lower latency which in turn leads to better performance.

High level of reliability

Data centres that do not guarantee maximum uptime (usually in excess of 99.95 %) are not worth a second glance. Reliability of a data centre is measured in terms of uptime norm of which is provided Uptime Institute. The institute provides a grading system for the data centres based on the uptime provided. The Tier classification system is a good way to gauge the reliability of a data centre. Tier III and Tier IV classifications are given to data centres which maintain highest standards of reliability and uptime. These data centres are usually chosen by firms who understand the value of uptime and the loss any disruption in business continuity could do their overall reputation and sales. These data centres ensure that each and every component needed to support the IT processing environment can be shut down without impacting the IT operation.

CloudOYE is one of the most reliable and well-known colocation services providers. Its Tier III data centres provide fast and efficient cloud solution service for private and business applications. The firm’s highly powerful, flexible and dependable data centre services offer higher levels of network connectivity, low latency and better security.

Interesting Topics To Read

- What Are The Various Advantages Of Colocation?

- How To Start A Good Colocation Services?