Growing pressure of reducing capital expenditure is driving organizations to adopt innovative and reliable ways to procure resources that are not capital-intensive. It is therefore not surprising why more than eighty percent of C-level executives in IT departments consider Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS as an alternative to establishing on-site infrastructure facilities.

In fact, cloud IaaS is a default option for almost ten organizations out of hundred business establishments surveyed by Gartner. These organizations have adopted cloud first policy to reduce capital expenditure to mitigate their reliance on cost-intensive hardware resources.


Renting can prove to be a more cost effective option in a cloud hosting environment for accessing a wide gamut of resources as compared to traditional hosting services. Cloud based IaaS allows organizations to source servers, storage, hardware, and software by obviating costs of owning these resources.

Cloud based IaaS empowers organizations to provision networks, storage, processing power, and a multitude of compute resources. It also facilitates consumers to deploy and operate software if their choice such as operating systems, and many more applications. Users are able to exercise total control on deliverables while the providers continue to control cloud infrastructure that includes an underlying network of servers.

There is a considerable number of CIOs that nurtures certain skepticism about cloud adoption for sake of moving infrastructure to the cloud environment. We can go on listing a long assortment of cloud attributes that are driving organizations of all sizes to cloud for efficient procurement of infrastructural capabilities.

In spite of the advent of several new technologies, it is found that only the most beneficial solutions are instantly accepted. Similarly, there are multiple reasons for extensive adoption of cloud computing technology.


Cost Efficiency

Cost consideration is the most important factor that drives small and medium organizations to cloud. It also encourages new businesses to go for cloud solutions for launching their maiden online ventures. Cloud obviates cost of owning server infrastructure since Infrastructure as a Service can efficiently support infrastructure management and provides an easy way to migrate workloads to cloud environment.

Absence of Single Point of Failure

Web servers suffer from unexpected failure due to power outages or any act of God. This can severely hamper data integrity of organizations leading to data loss. Cloud architectures are designed for multiple redundancies and thus obviate single points of failure.

Enterprises can be assured to have their data backed up at regular intervals of time for seamless and unhindered access to the latest data files in spite of any natural or man-made disaster. You can always count on cloud’s infrastructure that provides availability of multiple nodes foe assured availability of your business critical websites.

Enhance Competitiveness

It has become necessary for organizations to stay ahead of the competition in order to increase market share and revenues. This calls for ability to develop and market new products faster than the competition. Cloud solutions such as PaaS or IaaS empower enterprises to mitigate time to market new applications or products. Infrastructure as a Service can provide a robust and scalable platform that helps organizations respond to challenges and opportunities faster than the competition.


Data Protection and Guaranteed Business Continuity

Every organization strives for securing business critical data for ensuring seamless business activities. Disaster management options offered by conventional or on-premise disaster recovery solutions are not able to provide flawless data protection.

Cloud enabled disaster recovery is characterized by an integrated infrastructure that facilitates assured availability of digital assets of the organization due to remotely located data backup facilities.

There is an assured reduction of capital expenditure as well as operating costs due to state of the art cloud infrastructure that also enhances manageability and agility. Thanks to instant and assured cloud data recovery solutions, any enterprise can hope to access critical data files n spite of the disaster.

Instantly Burstable Resources

Cloud has inherent characteristic of momentary as well as instantaneous expansion of resources as and when required. Organizations can scale up their resource capabilities without deploying additional hardware resources or altering the existing infrastructure. 

Resources can be commissioned or de-commissioned dynamically in a cloud environment. This feature helps organizations to easily manage sudden bursts of demand or peak-time traffic conditions.

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