Organizations consider cloud as a valuable resource to enhance their agility, operational flexibility, and ability to scale. Depending on the type of cloud that is being implemented in enterprise cloud infrastructure, organizations can expect to improve their operations by adding cloud value to their existing capabilities.

Emergence of open software computing

Cloud strategists and enterprise IT planners focus on future-proofing their data center facilities by building practically and commercially viable cloud strategies. Long term cloud-planning attaches great significance to performance optimization, cost mitigation, and freedom of choosing vendors or applications. 

It should be noted that cloud infrastructure is not devoid of legacy IT concerns including proprietary architectures, vendor lock-in, efficiency, and scalability. 

In stark contrast to the traditional approach of using proprietary solutions, more and more organizations are getting inclined towards adopting open software defined cloud infrastructure, which is utilized by the most prominent providers of public cloud services.

At its core, a software defined data center is an extension of current assets in physical form. It is required to release the application layer from physical layer thereby promising to empower organizations acquire capabilities that are essential in cloud environment. 

Software defined data centers widen the scope of applications and functionalities such as deployment, storage, compute, management and networking a plethora of business applications. 

Future of SDCC is at the doorsteps 

It is possible to virtualize entire data centers by separation of virtualization layer from hardware. These abstracted and virtual data centers can be positioned at multiple locations and will be provisioned by multiple service providers. SDDCs will behave as an integrated platform for data center and will facilitate amazing automation efficiency and flexibility. These facilities will be designed for cloud environment and will focus mainly on contemporary applications. 

Such open cloud data centers in India  will prove to be extremely attractive for enterprises looking to embrace modernization without incurring huge cost of physical overhaul. It will be easier for enterprises to explore all advantages of outsourcing IT infrastructure that can be accessed either as IaaS from the cloud or as SaaS applications. 

Issues with virtualization

Open cloud data centers help deployment and management of applications as well as virtual compute and storage with help of virtualized networks. Virtualization has proved to be a game changer in data center infrastructure. With adoption of cloud computing to support variety of business processes, companies are able to add more flexibility and scalability to their services. 

Process of virtualization suffers from obstacles due to the non-virtual components that lack desired efficiency and may be hard to manage in a virtualized environment causing bottlenecks in migration process.
It is found that wherever the process of virtualization is dependent on systems that are primarily designed for physical computing, things can get complicated. If virtual machines are forced to interact by means of physical switches, it will result in overburdening of networks and excessive manual work for apportioning storage. 

These concerns can be potentially resolved with help of open software defined cloud and other software defined components including storage as well as networks. The idea of software defined compute and cloud data centers can be disruptive to hardware and IT service providers. 

Overcoming limitations of data centers

There have been multiple limitations to software defined Noida's data centers such as want of application layer focus and variety of physical constraints among others. Organizations have been skeptical about positioning apps in cloud environment in the absence of appropriate security, integration, and governance. Open software defined cloud promises greater efficiency, raw computing power, and cost efficiency. IT teams can efficiently use containers for migrating, deploying, and controlling apps in cloud environment. 

Open cloud approach 

By bringing as many sets of IT assets as possible under the framework for cloud management, we can hope to achieve amazing capabilities. This approach also advocates keeping current as well as more static workloads in isolation for number of reasons.
Open cloud is the most promising resource to experience the full value and benefits of cloud computing. It can cover maximum aspects of IT infrastructure for greater agility, flexibility, and cost advantages. You can plan to build a cloud system comprising of diverse systems, such as virtualization platforms, servers, and other public options irrespective of technology infrastructure. 

With open cloud, you can leverage current hardware assets of IT infrastructure to build cloud capabilities in a cost effective manner by mitigating risks. Service providers can leverage open cloud capabilities to access the best and the latest technologies without any restrictions of vendors. 

You can move applications across different clouds with help of open cloud to explore the most economical and feature rich platforms anytime or at any stage. Organizations are moving towards more cost effective and highly efficient data canter facilities. However these are not able to overcome needs for internal IT resources that are essential for achieving desired objectives. Open cloud hosting offers variety of advantages when integrated with open software defined approach.  


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