The chance that your computer might be hacked is the same as being struck by lightning- no one really thinks that it would happen to them. But when it does, people do panic. So the best time tested advice to stick to, is to implement the right firewall and this is true especially for companies.
As, is well known, public entities and companies are the favorite amongst hackers. This is because:
• Hackers profit from information that is sensitive
• By revealing sensitive information, they can embarrass companies
• This is the best method to get their ‘skills’ noticed.
For companies the ultimate threat is the hacking of the propriety information. Thus the companies suffer, in case any of this comes true. Most of the times, companies that become victims are the ones that are not protected by firewall services. Firewall is essential for keeping sensitive information away from hackers. The companies can implement their own firewall services or can outsource it.
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