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Reseller Hosting

Reseller hosting allows a client of a web hosting provider to sublet a portion of their server space and bandwidth to other third party customers. The clients while selling their resources are like a host to the end user. The client is allowed to use their business brand name and has the flexibility to create their own plans and fix prices. The client can thus make some decent income by reselling the resources that they are not utilizing.

The reseller is expected to expected to have some technical knowledge or have technically trained staff to manage the server issues in case the end user faces some problems. In normal cases, the host provides for the server maintenance and management. The primary hosts generally provide several easy to use tools to the reseller to manage their accounts. The end user benefits as they get the plans at low costs. Reseller also gains as they sell and make income out of their unutilized resources.

CloudOYE is a leading Reseller Hosting offering solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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