A decision to go for a dedicated server hosting by leaving any other hosting environment is usually backed by need for greater resource availability and security. Linux dedicated hosting is considered as the most ideal hosting for running ecommerce stores that need to handle hordes of customers as well as spikes in visitor-volumes. 

Relevance of Linux Dedicated Hosting for Ecommerce

Linux dedicated server is used extensively for supporting large organizations, websites with complex features, and large online ventures such as ecommerce and gaming. No other hosting option can beat the robustness and dependability of dedicated server. 

There are several reasons for choosing a powerful Linux dedicated server such as catering to needs of complex websites, handling a large number of visitors, faster access to data, grater control of an organization’s online activities, and so forth.

Power-packed performance, security and flexibility are the three vital attributes of Linux dedicated hosting. However, one must carefully choose a hosting service provider for availing all compelling benefits of Linux dedicated server hosting.

The ultimate aim of any website is to offer a pleasant and uninterrupted browsing experience to its visitors. This is achieved through a dependable resource provisioning even during challenging situations. 

In the following discussion you can learn key parameters for evaluation of a dedicated hosting service provider.

Operating system 

Since a Linux operating system is the most affordable and stable alternative for running your dedicated server, you should make sure that the host has remarkable ability to support Linux based servers. This calls for evaluation of the ability and responsiveness of support team to manage Linux servers. 

You will have to ensure availability of round the clock technical support team that is easy to access through web chats, telephones, or emails. Management of Linux dedicated server should cover configuration, patching and upgrading to ensure flawless performance of web applications. 

Feature rich websites need to be backed by powerful and fast processors. By evaluating website’s processing requirements, you will be in a better position to know precise number of processors needed to ensure optimum performance of your website. 

Assurance of seamless service

One of the most vital parameters of a hosting service is unhindered uptime for assured online availability of an ecommerce website. The most significant criteria for uptime guarantee is the Service Level Agreement that promises close to hundred-percent uptime, which may be in the vicinity of 99.99 percent. 

Scalability and flexibility 

One of the most compelling reasons for shifting to a Linux dedicated server hosting is the expected or planned growth of an ecommerce business. The move to go for a premium dedicated hosting is also backed by consideration to accommodate thousands of concurrent visitors without affecting speed and availability of website’s features. 

This calls for a thorough analysis of a data center that is going to host your business critical web presence in terms of its ability to support ever changing needs of an online venture. This includes capability of provisioning higher disk space as per growing demand of business applications. 

Need for robust security

In view of growing attacks by cyber criminals that have the potential to jeopardize online existence of an ecommerce business, one must pay great attention to security aspects of the hosting service provider. One must check network as well as physical security measures implemented by the host to get a broad idea about this. 

A host data center should be well protected to prevent attempts of unauthorized intrusions with help of physical as well as network defenses. The physical security comprises of a strong periphery with availability of round the clock armed guards and electronic surveillance and alarm systems. 

The entire facility of data center should be extremely difficult to access without proper identification. This calls for availability of bio metric scanners and mantraps to make sure that only the authorized personnel are able to enter vital areas. 

Seamless network support

Linux dedicated server hosting must be supported by guaranteed network performance. This is possible with provisioning of redundant network options and a reliable routing system for assured network support by selecting reputed network provider.


It is observed that majority of Linux dedicated service providers promise all the parameters that are discussed above. However, one needs to ascertain authenticity of their claims by checking their reputation by reading reviews and consulting experts. 


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