Organizations looking for a stable, secure and reliable server hosting experience prefer using dedicated servers as they are known to satisfy all the above-mentioned needs of a hosting environment and more. When you choose dedicated server hosting from a reputed server, you can also benefit from superior technical support and better levels of security.
In a dedicated server hosting environment, you get a server that serves your hosting needs exclusively with no other guests or renters allowed on the system. You can also get root access to the server to allow you to configure the server settings to comply with your business needs. You can also:
• Install scripts and applications that you feel are appropriate for your business requirements.
• Get additional resources whenever you need them.
• Enjoy superior performance and high consistency
Read More:- 7 Tips For Selecting A Best Dedicated Server Hosting
When it comes to using dedicated server hosting, you can choose from Windows dedicated hosting plans or Linux dedicated hosting plans. They both have their unique advantages and benefits. If your business runs on .Net technologies, you must sign up for a Windows dedicated server because these applications will run in an environment powered by Windows technology.
Let us have a look at Windows dedicated servers and analyze the advantages that they can bring to your business.
Windows dedicated servers promise outstanding performance and superior quality which makes them the best server hosting solution for your business. You will have no problems in managing and organizing your Windows servers as the technologies involved are user-friendly and rarely require the intervention of an IT expert. The Windows Control Panel is professionally designed for maximum output and is extremely easy to handle. Maintaining and scaling your website would become extremely easy and hassle free with Windows dedicated server.
Let Us Now Have A Closer Look At The All-Important Control Panel:
The Windows Control Panel is a friendly tool that can be handled by anyone with little knowledge of the technicalities of a control panel. But before that, it is important to know what a control panel is and what its role is in the hosting system.
A control panel is a device designed to help users in the installation and management of domains and applications on their dedicated server. This can be a huge asset for owners of business and ecommerce websites as they have to be on their toes all the time to monitor their site’s progress on an ongoing basis. With the help of a control panel, you will be able to manage and organize your website from one convenient location. This can help you in managing your business efficiently and boost productivity.
The Plesk Control Panel
Many experts are of the opinion and they have been proved right too, that the Plesk control panel is the best one for Windows dedicated server. Plesk control panel is used by more than 11 million websites and apps across the globe at present and is a clear indication that there are many happy users of the product. Plesk scores over others because:
• It comes with a superior security setup
• You can add or remove any number of domains
• It is a powerful toolkit for use in WordPress websites
How Can Plesk Benefit Your Website and Business?
It is practically impossible to manage a business perfectly and in an organized manner. Some glitches are bound to happen along the way. With the right control panel, you can have a great level of control over key business operations. With the right control panel for your Windows dedicated server, you can boost the website efficiency and enhance the chances of success for your business operations. It is easy to know how to manage the Plesk Control Panel regardless of whether you are tech-savvy or not.
Plesk is the user-friendly tool that businesses can use to run their server optimally and securely. Apart from businesses, Plesk is also a handy tool for bloggers and others who use their website for commercial considerations. They won’t have to deal with the usual hassling issues such as poor performance and extended download times. This professional control panel is engineered to monitor almost all key areas of operations and can thus help you manage and maintain your website successfully and profitably.
Server Management
With a dedicated Windows server, you don’t have to bother about hands-on management or having to keep a close tab on server operations at frequent intervals. It doesn’t even matter of you do not have any technical knowledge of maintaining servers. Windows makes server management easy and smooth as it offers a number of server management features and tools.
If you are a busy business owner or professional, you can consider using the services of a professional server management enterprise. They will be able to take care of every aspect of server running, management and maintenance.
Read More:- Leverage The Power Of Perfectly Secure Dedicated Servers
Choose a service provider with many years of experience in the hosting industry and are well conversant with the recent technology in the server industry. They must also be able to provide you with a dedicated team of experts to oversee server operations and offer 24/7 support through multiple communication channels.