BellaBook is a simple PHP based guestbook for the small and medium users. It works on easy flat file systems and does not require any complex MySQL databases. The software has been designed to offer a feature rich feedback system that comes with an easy-to-edit coding structure. BellaBook is a free open source software that can be redistributed and modified as per the terms laid out under the GNU General Public License.
Some of the features of BellaBook are:
• It works as a spam word and IP check blocking
• It comes with spam blocker-bot blocking functions
• It has capabilities to manage and control high traffic i.e. prevents multiple entries from being flooded into the guestbook.
• The program allows the websites to learn the details of website owners who have come and visited their sites.
• BellaBook comes with a built-in theme switcher and” space out” feature to manage big words and retain the page layout.
• The software offers optional “required” fields and an easy moderation option in case a visitor wants to modify any of the comments they have posted before it is approved and published on the site
• Set the word limits for minimum and maximum length of each comment/post.
• It offers several funny and pleasing emoticons
• Ensure bot control with CAPTCHA feature
• Additional features like Pagination and line break-in entries, inline sanitization and hidden field spam bot trap.
• Two BellaBook 3.5 Aksimet plugin and BellaBook 3.6 and 3.7 Aksimet plugin.
BellaBook installation can be done by downloading the BellaBook script which is an easy and quick process from the official website. The files can be extracted using the Windows zip tool or the WinZip. Once the extraction process is completed the folder has to be renamed and uploaded on to the website with the regular FTP client.
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