Process of migration of on-premise applications to AWS is influenced by the need to understand the new environment and find out which applications can be easily migrated and the ones that will pose challenges. It also lays a great emphasis on listing out the interdependencies. Emigrational complexity of every application should be determined by analyzing the nature in terms of its licensing agreements apart from the architecture.
Phase Oriented AWS Migration
AWS cloud provides an excellent environment to build a new application from the scratch. The real challenge is to move applications that are not cloud native. Such legacy apps will have to be moved through multiple stages. Managed AWS cloud migration is not a single step affair since apps will have to face varied levels of complexities before getting into production in the cloud environment.
The beginning of the journey to cloud is marked by leveraging EC2 instances that help users modify their operations to make the most of what AWS has to offer. Sometimes, a complex application will need to be dismantled into an array of micro-services before each of these is moved to AWS by using a step-wise approach. It must be noted that users of AWS need to go through a learning curve which may not be too steep to be bogged down. The learning process is designed to help users of cloud based hosting as well as legacy apps.
Once you are finished with primary process of setting up in AWS, there is every chance that you will have to get your feet wet by handling EC2 instances. These are built to act as a replacement of your Virtual Machines or servers as you move your on-premise workloads to AWS cloud. Cloud has a lot to offer in terms of flexibility, scalability, and availability in comparison with on-premise IT infrastructures.
Traditional data center infrastructure should be retained to enable only those applications that cannot be operated in a cloud environment. You must nurture a vision where almost every IT related activity is performed in the cloud environment. One of the most compelling features of EC2 instances to improve your web footprint is that of auto-scaling. This feature of EC2, which is unheard of in traditional data center setup, is built to support your applications in the event of sudden traffic surge.
Vital Aspects Of Cloud Adoption
In spite of proven advantages of AWS cloud, many enterprises have apprehensions about making a decision to adopt cloud computing. This can be attributed to the fact that these companies are operating in niche segments such as healthcare, finance, or insurance. There is a huge reliance on legacy data center systems for the fear of losing grip on mission critical applications.
An important decision to embrace cloud can radically transform speed and resource availability while helping the organization save significant costs. Cloud adoption has potential to bring a paradigm shift to the computing process with advent of containers. Serverless is yet another revolution that has taken the IT industry by storm.
Many organizations are leaving the comfort zones offered by VMs to gain resilient platform of containers by leveraging Container as a Service from Amazon Web Services. With help of CaaS platform to handle every aspect of container, companies can easily sail into the gifted land of cloud. AWS has been consistently enriching its portfolio after the introduction of EC2 with recently announced Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes. This has significantly enhanced development and use of Kubernetes clusters in the environment of AWS. Similarly, AWS Lambda allows you to implement serverless computing to empower a range of mission critical applications.
Achieving Security In Cloud Environment
You can implement stringent access control measures at user level by using Identity and Access Management solutions by AWS. This can be used for establishing access control within your teams and can also be extended for users at individual level. The more advanced offerings are designed for controlling a large number of AWS accounts via a single control panel.
Multiple level data sharing and access can be achieved by using more advanced key based encryptions. Managed AWS hosting has a wide spectrum of solutions that facilitate seamless security across organization irrespective of geographical locations.
Adoption Of AI And Automation
Thanks to the introduction of impressive services one can easily introduce Artificial Intelligence features into applications. These solutions can facilitate voice interactivity, image recognition and text to speech abilities. You need not look at AI as a future technology because AWS empowers access to AI for your enrichment of applications.
Modern DevOps tactics can be enhanced by introduction of automation, thanks to a suite of tools provided by AWS. DevOps community can easily develop resource creation templates with help of Cloud Formation to explore an infrastructure as if it were a software program. OpsWorks, CodePipeline, and CodeDeploy are AWS offerings to let you automate the whole cycle of software delivery.
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