It is common to come across individuals who are engulfed in searching for seemingly invisible objects. These guys are not looking for something which is not there but are engrossed in playing Pokémon Go, which is an augmented reality game based on locations. Users are pulled out from their abodes out in the open to look for the Pokémon characters by using their smartphones.  The game has destroyed downloads records of YouTube and Instagram by huge margins. 

Pokémon Go- a evolutionary offering

Pokémon Go has not only enticed its users who have downloaded the game on their smartphones and busy hunting for the game characters, but has also made individuals in development communities sit up and take notice of the unique implementation of augmented reality in the video game. 

Pokémon Go involves images of real environment around the users that are integrated with the Pokémon characters that are only visible on the screens of smartphones. This unique arrangement itself can result in development of a multitude of business applications. It can help technicians view projected instruction manuals while working on complex machines and so forth.

Pokémon Go can also be viewed as an awesome example of effect of technology on changing paradigms of business operations. This tempts us to compare Pokémon Go with Data Platform as a Service model (dPaaS). Pokémon has been able to change the way the games have been played traditionally and dPaaS is transforming business approach to data through integration and management of data. 

We can draw more parallels between Pokémon Go and dPaaS as discussed in the ensuing paragraphs of this article. 

A ) Pokémon Go and dPaaS demonstrate adaptability to changing environment

It is wonderful to note how Pokémon Go has evolved to respond to changing tastes of young generation. The initial game of Pokémon involved a Game Boy video game and required player to collect cards and series of anime. Since the current generation of players use smartphones, the new avatar of Pokémon Go included use of Smartphone and its camera features powered by GPS technology. 

This killer combination helps overlaying of game characters in the real world that can be viewed on Smartphone screens. The new augmented reality based version of Pokémon is generations ahead of the 1990 version of Pokémon. The transition has helped the game get a new lease of life by being able to connect with the Smartphone obsessed generation of today. 

In the similar context, dPaaS also brings a whole new approach of modernizing the traditional strategies of management and integration of data. dPaaS leverages advanced technologies for integration of point solutions and represents remarkable advancement from the conventional (SaaS) software as a service and software. 

dPaaS blends data from diverse sources into cohesive and uniform information and helps organizations enhance productivity as well as agility. This enables enterprises exercise superior control over data and with cutting edge reporting abilities. The very fact that data is being increasingly viewed as valuable asset underlines significance of this progression. 

B ) Pokémon GO and dPaaS appreciate user’s value

In both environments of Pokémon Go as well as dPaaS users are put in driver’s seat. Players who participate in Pokémon Go are required to create avatar that would be used t represent themselves in the game. They can display their identity by using the surrounding environment. 

In similar manner, users are free to define roles in relation with data consumption period to set data scientists, engineers, and developers free from the responsibility of storage harmonization, and acquiring of data. It facilitates company experts to get the clear and real-world insights from data. Users of dPaaS can consume data from diverse sources such as sales/ marketing, or development. 

C ) Pokémon Go and dPaaS enable users acquire their desired objects 

Players of Pokémon Go are able to capture their desired characters in order to train and use them to make further advances in the Pokémon Go game. The search and ultimate capturing of Pokémon characters is purely designed for the purpose of entertainment and helps users leverage sophisticated technologies.

Entrepreneurs are able to gain the most significant digital asset for their business and that is nothing but ‘data’ by using dPaaS. The data helps them streamline their business processes and indentify evolving needs of customers and gain deeper business insights. 


DPaaS is an advanced data integration and management solution with apparently no similarities with Pokémon Go. By digging deeper we can appreciate amazing similarities between these two. 


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