In layman’s language, Email is simply an ‘electronic mail’. However there are many complex technologies involved in sending mail via electronic medium.
We are using digital form of mail while sending communications through e mail. E-mail communication consists of sender server and receiver.
E-mail communication is sent by sender to receiver with help of server. Server is supposed to carry and deliver mail to receiver for whom the mail is intended to be delivered. It is similar to postal system. By using encrypting technology e mail communications can be secured from hackers.
In broader perspective e mail communications can be categorized as personal or private mails and business mails. Communications play vital role in any business environment.
Faster and secured communications can enhance business prospects and streamline business processes. E-mail hosting helps organizations manage their communications without hassles.
Business specific e-mail IDs improve company’s image and adds a touch of professionalism to communications. High end e-mail hosting solutions boost security by offering spam filtering and implementation of robust data backup procedures.
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