Broadly speaking, a web hosting provider is engaged in offering a bouquet of services that help users make their websites easily accessible to people. By offering space on servers maintained and owned by service providers, web hosts guarantee secured environment to run websites owned by clients.
Web servers are high powered and sophisticated computers that boost website performance with high bandwidth and excellent network uptime guarantee. There are many types of hosting services such as:
• Shared hosting
• VPS hosting
• Dedicated hosting
• Cloud hosting
In addition to these, web hosting provider services are also useful for collocation hosting, CMS, hosting, E-mail hosting, and so forth.
Web hosting provider should provide round the clock technical support to resolve client complaints and seamless security by providing multiple backup facilities for assured power redundancy.
Reliable web hosting provider assures cost effectiveness by designing pocket-friendly as well as flexible plans. Web hosting is the foundation for efficient running of websites.
This whitepaper sets out details about various key performance indicators
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Staggering Growth of CLOUD:The Future of Cloud Computing
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