If you are a budding entrepreneur, there are high chances you have chosen a shared hosting plan for your website. A shared hosting plan may be appropriate when you have just started your venture. You might require to upgrade as your web traffic grows. A VPS hosting plan offers your website its individual operating system, disc space and bandwidth and thus makes for better user experience. Let us discuss why Windows VPS hosting is a suitable option for your business:

1) Pocket-friendly option

As your business grows and the website draws more visitors, you might consider upgrading your hosting plan. Investing more money into your shared hosting plan will not be a wise decision. You might even consider opting for dedicated hosting but dedicated server comes at a price. VPS hosting solutions coalesce the benefits of both types of hosting plans and serve as a pocket-friendly option.

At CloudOYE, we offer the full spectrum of cheap Windows VPS hosting plans to fulfill the ever-changing needs of your website.

2) No sharing of resources

One of the biggest drawbacks of shared hosting plan is that the same resources are shared by multiple sites. So, if one of the sites experiences a sudden spike in traffic, your site will have limited resources to work with. Visitors on your website might experience a longer load time. This will increase the bounce rate for your website and negatively impact conversions. This will also reflect badly on your brand image.

Choosing a suitable cheap VPS hosting plan can help you eliminate these risks and offer an immaculate user experience to your visitors.

3) High level of security

VPS hosting is considered more secure than shared hosting. This is because the apps and data on a virtual private server remain isolated from other users.

In a shared plan, if another site on your server gets infected by a malware, it can affect your site as well. On the contrary, in a VPS plan, all your resources are isolated; hence chances of infection are minimal.

At CloudOYE, we have cheap VPS hosting plans equipped with several security measures like firewalls and regular back-ups. This assures a high level of security for your website.

4) Better control over the site

In a VPS hosting plan, you operate independently of other accounts using the same physical server. As a result, you get more control over your site. You have full access to the available resources and files.

At CloudOYE, we offer cheap windows VPS hosting plans that let you customize the server the way you want and install other software as needed. We also offer the option of upgrading to a higher plan should the need arise.

Wrapping it up

As your business expands and site traffic grows, you might need to reconsider your hosting requirements. A cheap VPS hosting plan can be a pocket-friendly solution offering a wide array of benefits such as higher safety and security, better control over the site and exclusive use of resources. For more information on our cheap windows VPS hosting solutions, connect with our technical consultants on our toll-free number 18002122022.