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Immaculate Server Uptime

Immaculate server uptime can be simply referred as high availability, which is a characteristic of a system. The availability can be expressed as-

Ao=uptime/ total time

This equation is not practically feasible, but if (total time – down time)is substituted in place of uptime then one can get the appropriate result.

Ao=(total time – down time)/ total time

Evaluating the tolerable down time is realistic. From this equation, the required availability can be easily calculated. There are three major principles involved in high availability that assure the pre-arranged level of operational performance.

- Removal of single points of failure
- In multi-threaded systems, the cross over point itself tends to become a failover instance, which is known as reliable cross over.
- Detection of failure as they occur.

Server uptime consists of a monitoring server that accumulate information from several IT equipment including SNMP traps, WMI, and its own series of agents installed on each Windows and Linux system.

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