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Intranet is an enterprise level private secure network that shares applications and data through private leased lines in the form of Wide area network (WAN) or through local area networks within an organization. It is contrary to internet that is available over a public network. Intranet is based on the concepts and technology of internet but only meant for private use within an organization or a community or a group.

The idea behind intranet is to share the communication and information of an organization and computing resources with the employees of that organization. Intranets uses the standard technologies of Ethernet, TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, Web browsers and web servers. The organization uses the internet but a firewall so that the machines cannot be accessed from any outside network. Many of the larger enterprises do allow their employees to access the public internet through the firewalls that has the capability to monitor and screen the information being exchanged both ways. 

CloudOYE is a leading Intranet offering solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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