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iQDesk is a software application that caters to all business management need. It focuses on freelancers and businesses of proprietary nature. The main view of iQDesk software offers a comprehensive understanding regarding the status of business.

It also facilitates prioritization of payments and work in the week that is approaching. This view offers you valuable information about what needs to be managed and how you are supposed to invest your efforts.

iQDesk is Highly Regarded For Its Powerful Modules Including:

Client Management- Helps upload all client details and provides in depth view about their potential for business and also provides restricted access to clients for updates.

Cash Flow Management- Offers a single resource for knowing every aspect of payments and expenses. Provides useful insights about expenses and earnings

Tasks Management- Encourages using the feature to input each and every task to experience its benefits in terms of optimizing efforts and time while efficiently managing day to day functions.

Project Management- Offers details about projects that can be updated and ensures easy management of production phase by periodic view of progress being made in Gantt chart. Also enables understanding of finances and enables adding important project files including agreements

Quotes Management- Facilitates creation of quotes for every project and enables sending the same directly from the page to client after verification.

Employees Management- Facilitates updating employees data as well as payments

iQDesk provides instant updates regarding projects that are approaching deadlines and enable you to plan your activities accordingly. It also offers Project Milestone functionality to understand if the specific stages of projects are being achieved by individuals or not.

One of the most important features of this application is ‘Expected Income’. It enables a shortcut for knowing income and expenses on the go and improves your understanding about the financial health of your business. iQDesk provides facility of ‘Forecasted Payments’ to gain knowledge about expected payments to give you an idea about your bank balance on future dates.

CloudOYE is a leading iQDesk Hosting Provider in India offering solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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