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Virtual Website

Virtual website hosting is the process of running a number of virtual websites on web servers from one host computer. This technique can be used to host any number of independent websites using a single computer. Virtual website hosting is a common method used by hosting services to ensure better manageability, offer enhanced scalability and improve efficiency of infrastructure.

Virtual website hosting applications generally depend on virtual DNS resolution. By using this method, a specific domain name may be associated with every independent virtual web server. For example, a customer’s registered domain name can be used for this purpose. Name-based or IP-based virtual web hosting can be used to achieve this.

Name-based web hosting can be used while providing virtual web hosting services while IP-based web hosting is used when providing virtual web hosting services. The website hosted on a particular machine shares a single public IP address in IP based web hosting facility.

Virtual website hosting is ideal for companies or individuals wanting to host many domains on a single server unrestricted by the type of operating system being used. They can access their virtual server to install any custom software. They can also easily modify the configuration of the server which cannot be done while using a standard shared hosting service.

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