Cloud has been placed as the top most future technologies by the market intelligence organizations as well as the leading Information Technology research studies. In the year 2017, it was witnessed that there has been an increasing tendency of adopting cloud technology among industries across the spectrum. Reports say this has become possible because the businesses have started to understand that this advanced solution solves many challenges in real life scenarios, especially the agents are located far from each other. In fact, many people hailing from different parts of world can work all at the same time on a single place through real time collaboration. With such enhanced collaboration, companies are now able to make smart decisions and at the same time create new values, not missing out the competitive edge.
If 2017 was the year when the idea of cloud caught imagination of businesses all across industry spectrum then 2018 is the year when the cloud industry will no longer has to sell itself to the businesses about its effectiveness. In fact, in 2018 there will be slowness in concept selling of cloud technology and a gradual replacement of the same with actual selling and scaling higher of the different cloud packages. A recent joint CISCO-IDC study has found out that around 68 per cent of organizations across 31 nations have adopted cloud computing and hosting in their IT operations. These solutions can be in either public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud hosting. You can find significant difference in the figure if you rewind three years back. 2015 figures show that the cloud adoption rate among organizations was just 48 per cent. Hence, it is evident from this figure that in just 3 years time adoption rate of cloud among businesses has increased by 20 percent.
In the coming section, we’ll discuss about the trends in cloud computing that are evident in 2018 and also in the years to come.
Cloud Computing and Hosting Trends
• Increased Adoption of Multi-Cloud Strategies
In real business world it has been witnessed that different workloads work efficiently in diverse platforms. That’s the reason many companies have started to move to an IT solution strategy where multi-cloud strategy is adopted. By adopting such a strategy, businesses are able to choose technologies as well as services that are best in class. With such advancement, best possible solution can be created by the cloud hosting providers as per customized needs. In the year 2018, more and more businesses will learn to adopt multi-cloud strategy in a better and more personalized manner. This will happen because the business managers will be able to understand their needs as well as application of clouds in a more inherent and coherent manner.
• Future of Cloud Computing lies in IoT (Internet of Things) Coupled with Cloud Computing
The next biggest thing that has already started happening is IoT, short form of Internet of things. This new thing is bringing a paradigm shift in the understanding of people regarding internet. Whether it is generation, processing, or storage of data, IoT coupled with cloud computing is becoming the basis of smart cities across the globe.
The idea behind IoT is that this technological advancement will define as well as drive core intelligence of Smart Cities. This has already become a reality in many advanced cities in the developed nation. However, its implementation has just started to happen in India and in many developing countries. One example will help you understand how important Internet of Things really is. If the companies succeed in implementing IoT as their factory’s core intelligence then such an industrial factory will soon become a software-defined factory. In such an environment, proper analysis of IoT data will provide proper leverage, which will ultimately improve efficiency.
Whether you’re a commuter, fitness geek, housewife, or farmer, you can greatly benefit from sensor-based devices. To incorporate IoT in daily life of different section of people has already started and 2018 is going to the year when it really takes off.
• Internet of Everything (IoE) will Push Forward
Integration of cloud with IoT has already become a reality. Its integration started in 2017 and paced up in 2018. However, what’s more important is that as the next step 2018 is all set to bring IoE or Internet of Everything. Cloud will simplify the IoE and will hence lead to consequent integration of devices with intelligent devices. This will help in proper, richer, and better communication between people and people through intelligent devices.
• Increased Blockchain Technology Adoption
Nowadays blockchain is equated with cryptocurrencies. However, blockchain is much more than that. It’s an idea which is believed to usher in period of fraud free, efficient, and automated record keeping system. These blockchains essentially use tamper-proof public ledger among trusted individuals. This is expected to be adopted by not only governments but also different industry verticals.
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What is the Main Concept of Cloud