The outcomes of one the latest studies by a reputed organization KPMG enumerates that more than 805 of the business have cloud computing on their list of priorities and giving serious thoughts to the installations of the facility for their operations. The figures look promising and chalk out a bright future for the technology at our disposal. But what actually makes this such a hot cake of the market shelves? The answer lies in the features of the cloud computing. Read on for an insight.

The salient features of the cloud are not unknown to many of those who are planning for one. Rather, with or without cognizance, almost all of us who are active on the Internet are the users of cloud computing through some means or the other. Popular sites frequented by us run on them. It's very much a fact that the social networking sites most of us remain glued to are the best examples of the cloud. But do they do good to our business needs?

-Cost Efficiency: The cloud computing has marvelously brought down the capital costs of the organizations. Earlier, to be specific even few years back, organizations had to invest considerable resources in the hardware and software requirements. With the advent of the cloud, much of that has been clipped.

-Quick Functioning: The cloud has to a large extent virtualized the functioning of various applications. This has ensured fast processing and better scaling of the services. The users have the options of limiting their access to the services to their various clients. So, now the users have gone over to faster functioning, with wide accessibility and much lower costs.

-Flexibility of Devices: Cloud Computing has enriched the quality of work produced with multi-platform accessibility. For instance, if a user wishes not to work and rather go for a holiday for a break, for any urgent requirements at his job he could reach out to the services through his smart device, i.e. the smart phone at his disposal. The only pre-requirement is that the device should be pre-aligned with the cloud. Rest, all remains the same.

-Location: The various types of cloud computing infrastructures allows a user to put the cloud service infrastructure at a location of his choice. Better said than done. So there are options where the infrastructure altogether is not at all the users headache. The services are what he needs to worry about.

-Flexible Services: The cloud hosting service providers put forth choices of self-servicing the hardware infrastructure if any or on-demand services from the provider. This would further let the user have the option of total control over the maintenance or not worry about it at all.

Add the many other technical and non-technical features that the cloud computing offers, the outcomes of the study mentioned at the top will surely reach the cent percent figures. It's hard to overlook the clouds. They are all over you; no matter you hate it or love it.