Cloud computing may sound like a new metaphor in the digital age. To put it briefly, cloud computing is neither new nor very old. In fact the world had begun to talk about the cloud in 1990s itself. However, the idea gained popularity in 1995 and by 2005 the path for research had been fully laid down.

So what is cloud computing all about?

 Let us first define it in black and white.

 According to NIST:Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”

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How big is the cloud?

The world of cloud is too big to explore. In a globalized digital village, cloud computing involves delivering services over the internet from a pool of resources like servers and data storage which may be distributed over the internet. As far as cloud computing is concerned, it is the power of computing that is available to a user remotely located anywhere but using the channel of the internet.

Deep diving into the characteristics

1-Shared infrastructure- this refers to the large network of various types of resources which may be located anywhere but are connected through the internet. This means that various types of resources act in a joint coherence to provide the desired computational power to crack a mega algorithm.

2-Geospatial location- this means that the geospatial location of a person is just no hurdle to prevent a user from exploiting the true value of the resources of the cloud as long as he remains connected to the internet.

3-Metering formula-also called as managed metering this refers to the cost of the resources which a user uses in cloud computing. In one word, a user is required to pay for the service charges incurred during cloud hosting.

4-Scalability- The concern is not about the number of users that may be using the internet. The real concern is the amount of data that people upload over the internet. To put first things first, the amount of data is never a concern in cloud computing. This is because the cloud expands its scalability irrespective of the number of users and data that pour in.

A brief overview of service models

Software as service- in this type of service model, the service providers host various kinds of applications that can be assessed by the users over the internet. This means that companies opting for such services do not need to worry about the underlying hardware.

Platform as a service- in platform as a service, the service providers provide the service of infrastructure to the clients. By providing the requisite platform like google app engine and Microsoft Azure, the users can develop, deploy and manage their own services.

Infrastructure as a service- this is undoubtedly the most comprehensive service provided over the cloud. In such type of service, the entire infrastructure or the cloud environment is provided on the customer’s system.

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A look at the deployment models

1-Private cloud-it is a type of cloud hosting service that is available to a specific organization, in other words, no other user can access the services of the cloud.

2-Public cloud- it refers to a type of cloud deployment model, which is available to all the people unanimously. To exemplify this, google drive is an apt example, which can be used by all the users alike.

3-Community cloud- this type of cloud deployment model is meant for a series of organizations that form a community.

4-Hybrid cloud- This type of cloud deployment model has both the features of a public as well as a private cloud.


The cloud services can go a long way in making the next generation services available to a large chunk of users. It has innumerable advantages as far as services on the web are concerned. These include agility, vibrancy, a high throughput rate, and vibrancy. Other advantages include increased scalability and high reliability.

All this leads to one simple conclusion. If the world aspires to navigate across new technologies, it has to use the compass called cloud computing.