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Multihoming is a technique used for connecting or configuring one physical host to multiple data links. The physical host is termed as a ‘Multihoming Computer’.

There are two major variants of Multihoming including IPV4 Multihoming and IPV6 Multihoming. Multihoming can also facilitate load balancing by reducing network downtime. It is also useful in maintaining continuity of the system during disaster and during the subsequent process of recovery.

Multihoming can help a single SCTP point support more than one IP addresses. It enables continuity of a session in spite of network failure unlike a single homed session. Multihoming can leverage redundant one or more Local Area Networks to maintain redundancy of sessions. Multihoming can also be achieved by using different carriers by adopting addresses with different prefixes.

Multihoming is adopted whenever there is need to achieve reliability of network connectivity in order to ensure seamless performance. The host can be either connected to multiple networks either directly or indirectly. 

CloudOYE is a leading Multihoming offering solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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