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Personal Cloud

The personal cloud is a type of cloud services where server space is made available to individuals for storing data, picture, audio and video files and other files. You will come across many cloud hosting providers that give away limited storage facilities for personal cloud storage free of cost. This is done with the intention that when the client is satisfied with this service, he will buy additional space for backing up other files. For facilitating data transfer, personal clouds usually offer simple web interfaces.

When the files have been uploaded to the servers, they may be accessed through portals at any time from any device which is connected to the Internet. So the personal cloud guarantees that you can access data anytime as long as you are online. You also do not have to be concerned about whether a server crash can destroy the data because this data is always protected in the cloud. Personal cloud storage is also very affordable when you understand the benefits that you enjoy with it such as improved data storage, disaster recovery, data accessibility etc. Besides the personal cloud, there are also public clouds, private clouds and hybrid clouds. It is easy to sync your smartphones and tablets with personal clouds. This lets you access the personal media files and official documents when you may be on the go. You can also store as well as share large files with your near and dear ones.

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How to Ensure ROI from Cloud Computing

This whitepaper sets out details about various key performance indicators

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Tough competition in the online business has alerted CIOs across the globe.


Cloud Computing Demystified

It is a computing paradigm, wherein a huge cluster of systems are interconnected .

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