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phpLD is an extensively used and highly popular Link Directory solution that is also developed as CMS for allowing users to create pages, user content, and articles. It is supported by a large user as well as developer community and it is powering several sites that are devoted to phpLD templates and mods.

It helps create wide range of subcategories and categories with separate details page for each link. Users can create Google map listing as well as the latest link and the most popular link listing with help of phpLD.

PhpLD provides multiple validation features to make sure that reciprocal links continue to link to your site. Users can even ban listing by domain, keyword, or IP and also limit hits from a particular IP. It also enables optional RSS feed for individual categories and enables link sorting by page rank, number of hits, or alphabetically.

phpLD is written in the recent version of PHP 5.3 an provides built-in templates with ability for customization and intuitive layout modifications. Independent developers are also offered access to premium templates. It ensures separation of presentation from programming since it is developed by using the best practice MVC (Model View Controller).

It also facilitates consistent rendering across different browsers with availability of layouts that are designed by using standard Cascade Style Sheets. Users can also access free documentation for creating own template or customization of site. Content can be positioned at any place on the site by using drag and drop facility.

phpLD is an ideal alternative for content that can benefit from highly structured categorization. It is also the most suitable solution for providing an organizational structure and facilitating content search as well as linking related content, if you are dealing with huge quantity of data in the form of links and articles. It is also he most perfect choice for building a link network.

CloudOYE is a leading phpLD offering solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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