Data center predictive modeling (DCPM) is a methodology using a computer model to predict and give an in-depth
review of the data center in the future. This computer model is based on the statistical descriptions of the infrastructure
that are a part of the data center.
The performance of the Noida data center is reviewed and using the Virtual Facility the future
performance of the data centers is predicted. Virtual Facility is a 3D computer model built by the technical experts of
the data center.
It is used in various ways to investigate and tackle any issues like future IT layouts, energy efficiency
measures, operational units, cooling failure scenarios and additional cooling capacity options, disaster recovery
planning, designs for future data center buildings and many more. It thus gives the operations team of the data center to
visualize the likely implications that could happen of any change even before they actually happen.
This whitepaper sets out details about various key performance indicators
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Staggering Growth of CLOUD:The Future of Cloud Computing
Click here to read >The evolution of data storage
Click here to read >It is a computing paradigm, wherein a huge cluster of systems are interconnected .
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