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Distributed Denial Of Service Attack

A distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) term referred to a multitude of compromised systems that attack a single target and thereby causing denial of service for users of a targeted system. The heavy influx of incoming messages to the targeted system node essentially forces to shut down, and denying the service to the legitimate users.

DDoS is a kind of attack in which malware infected system commonly used to target a single system by causing a denial of service attack. Victims of DoS attack embrace both the end targeted system and all the systems which are maliciously used by the hacker in the distributed outbreak. The attack master involved in DoS is known as bot master, who identifies and infects other systems with malware like Trojan virus.

There are Two Kinds of DDoS Attacks Which Occur Due to Inundation of Data Packets to the Targeted Computer:

Network-Centric Attack: It overloads a service by using high bandwidth.

Application Layer Attack: It overloads a service or database via application calls. 

CloudOYE is a leading Indian Cloud Service Provider offering solutions on Distributed Denial Of Service Attack & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at +91-120-6025102 or mail us at

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