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Software Defined Networking (SDN)

Software Defined Networking (SDN) basically comprises many different kinds of technologies that aim at making the network more agile and flexible so that it can meet the emerging, high-bandwidth, dynamic needs of today’s applications.

SDN’s aim is to allow administrators and engineers to respond in quick time to the ever-changing requirements of businesses. SDN is especially helpful in cases of cloud computing multi-tenant architecture because it lets the administrator manage the load of traffic in a super-efficient and more tractable manner.

Basically, the SDN method centralizes the control of the network. It does so by separating the control logic to off-shore devices. It decouples the control and the forwarding functions. The network control thus becomes directly programmable and the underlying infrastructure can be abstracted for services and applications.

The SDN architecture is directly programmable, vendor-neutral, open standards based, centrally managed, agile, and programmatically configured. All these make it dynamic, adaptable, and cost-effective.

CloudOYE is a leading Software Defined Networking (SDN) offering solutions on Cloud Server & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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