An Applet is a program written in the Java programming language, designed to be implemented within another program like an HTML page. It does not work like an application and cannot run independently. It is designed to work only on Java- enabled web browsers.
Applets are used to build dynamic applications. Web developers use it add more features and functionalities on a webpage that have not been provided by HTML. Applets were used extensively to check boxes, build interactive buttons, and other similar animations on the websites.
To make it convenient for the developers in usage, HTML4 included a tag in its features to execute within a Java virtual machine (JVM). The JVM is plugged into a browser and came with a parameter that specified how and where the Applet should be seen on a website.
Java applets are compatible with all the major operating systems and being small work ideally for the small internet applications that are accessible from a browser. The applets have strict security regulations which are imposed by the web browser. The security regulations are referred as Sandbox security.
There are four methods in the Applet framework on which the program is constructed.
First is the init which is meant for initialization needed for the applet.
Second is the start which is automatically created once the init is called for by a browser.
Third is the stop is inevitably called after the user returns to the page on which the applet is built.
Fourth is destroy that is actioned after the browser shuts down. Since applets are on the HTML page, resources must not be left behind once the user leaves the page containing the applet.
The Java applets were first initiated when the first version of the Java language was introduced sometime in 1995.
CloudOYE is a leading Indian Cloud hosting Provider offering solutions on Applet & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at +91-120-6025102 or mail us at
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