CakePHP is an open-source rapid development framework that makes building of web applications faster and easier with simple codes. It adopts most of the commonly used design patterns like Front Controller, Model-View-Controller (MVC), Associated data mapping etc. and is released under the MIT license. The framework is written in PHP language script and runs on similar lines as the Ruby on Rails.
Features of CakePHP:
- Develops web applications in a smooth and fast way with conventional MVC architecture, code generation tools and application platforms.
- CakePHP framework can easily be developed for any type of applications including startups, small and medium businesses, social networking platforms, e-commerce sites and large commercial enterprises.
- It does not require any complicated XML or YAML files. Users can build their applications with ease using the libraries or batteries that are built into the frameworks. It allows easy implementation of tasks like database access, caching, authentication, translation etc.
- CakePHP framework offers several security features. It comes inbuilt with protection solutions against SQL injections, cross site request forgery(CSRF), cross site scripting attacks, cross site request forgery etc.
- The framework offers a set of conventions and documentation for the developers to follow and develop their applications in a systematic way. In additions there are several tutorials, forums, video and text tutorials available online for the users to refer for assistance.
- Users can also register themselves for joining any of the online training sessions. The framework also offers expert consultancy as and when users require any specific assistance to make sure there are no problems.
CakePHP was founded by Larry Masters and the first version released in 2006. The current version is the CakePHP 3.3v and requires the PHP 5.5 and later versions for use. The project is supported and maintained by the Cake Software Foundation.
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