One of the most important initiatives which modern enterprises are undertaking is desktop virtualization; this has become very important to ensure that your business stays ahead in the competition and can cope with demands of a growing global workforce. Citrix Xenapp guarantees desktop virtualization to help your enterprise achieve its key targets such as hiring and retaining the most valuable workers no matter where they may be located. This also increases business efficiency and productivity by lessening the time needed to integrate acquisitions and also allows people the freedom to choose their preferred devices while keeping the critical data secure.
Citrix Xenapp is one of the best known solutions for computing that is based on servers and it is well established for enhancing organizational efficiency and lowering costs. Xenapp provides workers with remote access to Windows apps which they may need for doing tasks, notwithstanding the devices they are using or the network speeds. This is also equipped with high security standards to ensure that all sensitive information remains safe and well-protected.
With sales of tablets increasing dramatically in the recent years, it is quite obvious that the workers will want the power to be able to remain productive even when they are on the go. This perhaps explains why manufacturers and construction firms are switching to Xenapp with Flexcast technologies for 3D professional graphics so as to ensure that employees can work faster. Citrix Xenapp is therefore making it simpler than ever for you to enjoy apps which can maximize efficiencies of a complex and expanding mobile workforce. Today, Xenapp even empowers the workers to access virtual desktops using Linux alongside Windows resources to ensure that they have a total workspace experience. Xenapp comes with rich features and a flexible architecture which enable the IT staff to be more alert and proactive in a fast changing workplace.
CloudOYE is a leading Indian Cloud Service Provider offering solutions on Citrix Xenapp & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at +91-120-6025102 or mail us at