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How Does E-Mail Hosting Work?

E-mail hosting service is a Web or Internet hosting service. This E-mail hosting service rents out and operates the E-mail servers.

E-mail hosting service is a premium hosting service. It is totally different service from the usual free web mail sites, those are typically found in the internet. Some examples of such popular free web mail sites are Google and Yahoo.
E-mail hosting service is exclusively designed by the hosting service providers for users, who are in much need of these E-mail hosting services. These users are having high E-mail traffic. These users are business organizations from all the large, medium and small business sectors, who opt for their individual E-mail domain name. This makes the E-mails of these business organizations more distinguishable, among other E-mails.
The typical business E-mail addresses of such E-mail hosting are in the formats of the The mega business organizations also generally host their own E-mail servers.
How Does E Mail Hosting Work?
E-mail hosting services is provided by E-mail hosting service provider companies. CloudOYE is a leading E-mail hosting service provider, in the global E-mail hosting market. CloudOYE is a renowned brand which is well known for not only its excellent hosting performances, but also for its very reasonable price structures.
CloudOYE provides advanced E-mail solutions to its clients. These E-mail solutions are far more superior than the free web mail solutions, which are typically available on the internet. CloudOYE hosts all the E-mails on dedicated platforms, designed for hosting E-mails.
CloudOYE is the E-mail hosting service providing company that manages the user's domain name. It also manages the authentication schemes of security E-mails. These schemes include methods such as filtering, rerouting and replication.
CloudOYE offers a range of different technologies and services, which are exclusively designed for its targeted demography. It has features such as advanced security and E-mail management, with processes such as filtering. The E-mail hosting service provider company uses customised and open source applications, such as RoundCube, Horde or SquirrelMail. This is in absolute contrast with the free web mails, which are generally basic POP3 based E-mails.
The moment an E-mail is sent by the party, this E-mail message is routed from one server to another server. This is done through Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or SMTP. This process continues till it reaches the destination or the E-mail recipient E-mail server, to be ultimately delivered to the recipient E-mail address of the sent E-mail. 

The email hosting server acts as a trusted link between your email server and the receiver’s email server. When you send an email then it gets routed between the two servers to ensure smooth delivery and transportation of your email. It adds an additional layer of security to email and eliminates the risk of spam and viruses. Moreover, the customers value the security and their brand value that is reflected by using a custom email account. Email communication has taken over all the traditional methods of conversation because it is a safe and secure choice for all businesses. It is a secure way to save sensitive information without being revealed to someone else.

Building a strong brand identity is critical for making a deep impact in the fast-growing digital era. Almost all industries and businesses are preferring digital working models thus they want their products and services to get noticed. Customers trust their brands and they recognise it with ease if they use custom domain services. With email hosting, businesses can create custom professional emails and recognise the impact in today's world.

CloudOYE is a leading cloud computing solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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