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How the cloud services are measured?

Cloud technology is bringing in many benefits to the organizations and the services are measured in several ways.

Elasticity: Cloud has the ability to create more resources to enhance performance for a single user or numerous users at a single point of time.

Instant provisioning: Virtualization of infrastructure eliminates the need to deploy applications into devices or into on premises location.

Cost-effective: Cloud adopts the policy of pay-as-you-use and there is no upfront investment to be made. This differs from the tradition policy of pay and use.

Better usage: Consumers use the service without the need of planning in advance for what they may require and wasting them if not utilized.

Utilization: The vital benefit is it removes the drawbacks of under-provisioning and over-provisioning that generally wastes a lot of money for organizations.

On demand: Yet another feature of the cloud hosting is the on demand self-service which gives the user ability to automated services with just a few clicks.

Access flexibility: Cloud network allows access to networks for a wide range of devices like smartphones, tablets, PCs, within a corporate firewall. It allows access to data and applications from any location at any time.

Control: Users have the option to select and configure the applications and infrastructure that best suits their business needs.

Cloud offers high flexibility and better data security and recovery solutions and gives an edge over competition for businesses.

CloudOYE is a leading cloud computing solutions on Cloud Server Hosting & Dedicated Servers Hosting. Call our technical experts at 1800 212 2022 or mail us at

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