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How to Migrate WordPress from Shared Server to Cloud Hosting?

You may want to migrate from your shared hosting to cloud hosting for better performance. It involves a few steps which are detailed below.

1. Connect to your server via FTP and download complete website document root to your system. Take a backup of all files, themes, plugins, and images. Delete content that you do not require.
2. Connect to server with SSH. Create a backup to your MySQL database. Give a command

mysqldump -u [username] -p [database name] > [file name].sql

Download the File to Your Computer Via FTP.

3. Set up a cloud server with Ubuntu distro. You must install MySQL, PHP and Apache web server.
4. Install the latest version of WordPress

5. Create an Apache virtual host for the WordPress blog.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Create another file replacing conf with your domain name.

Restart Apache and the Changes are Saved.

6. Upload all the files including WordPress and Website files to the document root on the new server. Since the domain name is not yet moved, you can use the server's IP address as your host name to connect to the new server. You must also upload the database backup files. Keep the database backup files away from the website document root for better security reasons.
7. Create an empty database so that you can import all the database files. Login to the database client file with the command: mysql -u root -p. Enter the User's password name and set up a database.

CREATE DATABASE [database name]. Create user accounts and allow privileges with a command

grant all on [database name]. * to [database username]@localhost identified by '[database user password]';

Change [database name] with the name of your existing database. [database username] with a username that you want to use for your database. [database user password] by creating a password for the user account.

Import the Database File With a Command

mysql -u [username] -p [new database name] < [.sql dump file name].

Move the domain name to the new server. It will take about 24 hours to propagate.

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