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How to approach machine learning in the cloud?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its machine learning subset have got immense popularity these days. Machine learning is directly related to pattern recognition and computational leaning. Giving computers the capacity to learn without reprogramming is an old concept.

In fact, machine learning is about the study of algorithms capable of learning through patterns, and based on that make predictions against pattern of data. It is a better option to leverage static program instructions rather than making data-driven predictions or decisions that will improve over time without additional programming and human interference.

The Right Use Cases For Machine Learning (ML) Get the Real Value

Finding the right uses for machine leaning is critical. An application that updates databases and performs simple calculations is not an appropriate choice. Just because ML is cost effective in the cloud hosing, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should apply it everywhere. Alternately, you should seek repetitive tasks usually accomplished by a person now. When such tasks are truly rote, you may automate them.

But in most of the cases, such tasks need decision and analysis to determine the right solution. Usually, these tasks have patterns of discovery and resolution, therefore, in most of the cases an individual repeats the same set of diagnostics, then applies a known solution.Machine learning can do that as well, automating the discovery and solution after utilizing a knowledge engine for determining the patterns that a human expert utilizes. A knowledge engine is capable of learning as it operates, same as a human being can do, so the system can in some ways reprogram itself in order to get better at its job over time. Also, it is cheaper than a person.

Bind ML Systems to the Data in the Cloud

Despite a task being suitable for machine learning, how would you know that automation should be done in the cloud? The most emphasizing reason is that you can collocate in the cloud your ML applications with inexpensive data storage.

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