There are numerous agencies that offer web hosting services. It is practically not possible to check into each of them. The most important point is the provider services must be suitable to your requirements.
Primarily There are 3 Factors that are Required From Every Provider. These Include Speed, Up-time, and Support.
1- Up-time must be of at least 99.95%. There is no point in doing online business if your website is not available to the consumers.
2- It is equally important to have high page loading speed. If your site is slow, visitors will not wait. They have plenty of options and walk away to your competitor site.
3- Another important need is technical and customer support. The host must be available 24/7/365. You never can predict when you may need their service.
In Addition, Consider the Following Factors.
Know Your Requirements:
You must know what you need. What is your website all about, any specific scripts you need, the likely traffic you expect etc? You must check this with the facilities the providers offer. Discard all those who do not provide the services.
Cross Check on Their Offers:
Check the frees and unlimited offers. Many of the sites will claim to provide unlimited space, bandwidth. Do a cross-check as there could be some clause or restrictions they may have mentioned somewhere that could hamper your website performance.
Tools They Offer:
You need not be a technical expert. There are several tools that are available (free and paid) that the host can provide you with to manage the website. Check on what content management system choices they give.
The Server Needs:
This again is important. Look for providers that offer all types of plans (shared hosting, VPS/Cloud hosting, dedicated server hosting). Your server requirement could basically depend on the type of traffic you anticipate.
This whitepaper sets out details about various key performance indicators
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