While the benefits of the cloud computing technology for the businesses cannot be undermined, its impact on the government sector cannot be overlooked. Cloud computing delivers hosted services via the internet that offers numerous cost benefits and enhances the reliability of performance.
The Challenges Being Faced:
Government agencies are confronted with several challenges that is affecting the economies of scales. Increasing population is resulting in more people depending for their services on overburdened infrastructure, security threats, lower budget allocation etc. The public-sector units are forced to look at alternate technologies that may help address these and other similar challenges.
The Solutions Cloud Offers:
Eases Cash Flow: Cloud hosting removes the biggest hurdle of economic pressures with its nil upfront costs on IT equipment and "pay-as-you-use" payment model. Governments cannot keep increasing taxes as it could result in public outcry.
Technical Obsolescence: Yet another risk the government agencies face is of capital being laundered unnecessarily. The infrastructure being used today will sooner or later become obsolete as new tools and technologies are bound to be developed. Continuing the same old technology can affect the capabilities, competence, and growth.
Cloud removes these hindrances. With well-defined SLAs the cloud providers make sure all the upgrades and updates are automatically generated. The computing services are delivered maintaining speed and quality, government agencies that are adopting the cloud are assured of getting the latest technologies without having to spend any additional resources. Cloud hosting providers need to maintain efficiency lest they lose out to their competitors.
More Efficacy: Cloud is helping the government resolve many of the challenges in a more efficient and timely manner by reaching out to wider masses across different geographical locations. Cloud has enabled the people to connect directly to the government through the internet to voice their complaints and rectifying them.
If properly implemented, cloud can become the right platform for all government sectors to improve their services in a more cost-effective manner.
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Staggering Growth of CLOUD:The Future of Cloud Computing
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Click here to read >It is a computing paradigm, wherein a huge cluster of systems are interconnected .
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