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How do I create a gateway for my Virtual Private Cloud?

An internet gateway is a scalable highly redundant and easily available virtual private cloud component which allows a smooth and secure communication channel between a user's virtual private cloud and the internet. The internet gateway does not put any bandwidth limitations nor does it create any hindrance in the website availability to your internet traffic.

To create a gateway for your virtual private cloud, you need to first create and add a subnet to your VPC. Go to the navigation pane and select internet gateways and then click on create internet gateways. Attach it to the VPC dialog box and give a name to the internet gateway and click on the yes button to create. You can then attach to your VPS server by choosing attach in your system. This will give you access to a list from which you select your virtual private cloud. Similarly, if you want to delete an internet gateway you can do so by selecting internet gateways in the navigation pane and choose the internet gateway name that you wish to delete. 

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